Knox Hill Cottage: Weekly Update

While the recent snows have made the Knox Hill Cottage look like a holiday postcard, we still had a couple of hours off and on clearing sidewalks. Overall the city did a good job of road clearing, though some of our neighbors without 4 Wheel Drives were pretty much in for a couple of days.
Even the dead end side roads were plowed!
Of course between bouts of snow shoveling we continued work on the front Parlor Parlor. All the wall repairs were done and now after some sanding we were able to start getting more paint on the walls. After the initial base coat there will be sanding as required than two more good top coats.
THEN of course come the hours of stenciling work in this room. Of course, great care is always taken in the front parlor where one received visitors. When we are done and the furnishings are in, it will be like stepping back in time.

We also did some test fitting of some of the staircase trim panels. As you may recall our once open staircase was enclosed when a basement stairs was put in and we have since opened that back up which means all new trim and rails for the stairs.
So work progresses and the Knox Hill Cottage lives on.
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Knox Hill Cottage: Weekly Update
Knox Hill Cottage: Weekly Update
Reviewed by citra
Published :
Rating : 4.5