Knox Hill Restoration Project: Weekly Update

Ah Spring! Warmer weather and a return to both inside AND outside projects.
We were able to work on a project we began last fall and that is the restoration of the sunken side garden project. We brought in more stone to build the retaining wall for the raised garden area that will also house the pond and waterfall area. Of course this summer we have several old trees to remove, a complete regrading and terracing of the lot to do, wall repair, new front steps our front and multiple landscape projects including retaining walls, brick sidewalks & patio areas, A new gazebo, finishing the water feature and the planting of hundreds, if not thousands, of flowers. I am glad we have the hot tub at the Indy house because I am absolutely sure my back will need it.
Because of the construction we had a serious mud problem in the spring in the area leading from the parking to the house. Last year we tried laying a mulch bed down to control the mud but this year we took a different approach with so,e recycled brick "rock'. We took up the stepping stones that had 'sunk' in the mud, put down a bed of the rock and placed the stepping stones down. These will sink down a bit and eventually level giving us a clean dry path to the house (no more mud tracking!). Its a temporary fix as this will eventually be the new foundation for the carriage house addition.
Our neighbor presented us with a Mantle for our restoration. This one ultimately will go on the second floor. It needs considerable work and will require a new mirror and some serious cleaning and trim detail repair but after it leaves our workshop and is restored, it will be good as new and ready for installation upstairs. Best of all it was free and otherwise would have been headed for a landfill!

Interior work continues and I began sanding the first coat of wall paint to get it ready for the second and final coats. One of the more detailed projects was the hanging rail restoration. This was originally gold leafed and after a dark underlayment coat of paint went on we began applying the gold paint which Will require a total of three coats then a non yellowing sealant. Once done it will be a 'close approximation' to the original gold leaf.
The flowers are blooming Spring is here. Hundreds of daffodills in bloom by our sidewalk!
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Knox Hill Restoration Project: Weekly Update
Knox Hill Restoration Project: Weekly Update
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5