Neighbors Outraged over Motorcycle Clubs move into Building Scheduled for DEMO by City!

The Knox Hill Neighborhood Association is carefully monitoring the status of 1900 Fairmount. A mixed use Commercial Residential Building scheduled for Demolition by the city.
On Monday August 24 neighbors noticed workers clearing out the structure and residents assumed those people were city contractors emptying the structure to prepare it for Demolition. UNFORTUNATELY that was not the case, Members of the, "Ruthless Riders", a Cincinnati Motorcycle club were effecting repairs on the building to use the building as a motorcycle clubhouse!

I immediately forwarded this information To ED Cunningham and Mike Fhen at city inspections on Monday, in my capacity as president of our Neighborhood Association, requesting they notify the owner of the property and/or obtain a stop work order.

The two story mixed use building was declared a nuisance in 2008 after several years of on going problems with the vacant structure. The owners of the building at the time, Marinko and Trisha Gvozdanovic sold the property to Romeo Richardson on 1/8/2009 AFTER the declaration of public nuisance. City officials notified Mr Richardson of the order and proceeded to contract for asbestos abatement on the structure according to city records in April 2009. While the neighborhood would like to see the structure saved and has talked to a number of people interested in restoring the building, a motorcycle club is not an acceptable use.

On Wednesday ( two days later) I received the following email response to my concerns from Ed Cunningham at city inspections:
Mr. Willham,

This building has been declared to be a public nuisance and is under contract for demolition. All required notices have been issued to the former and current owner. This building also falls under the jurisdiction of the hazard abatement program. The owner would need a court order to stop the demolition at this time.

Thank you


On Thursday I received an photo taken that day that clearly showed that windows had been framed over and painting had taken place on the front of the structure. Over the door is a BANNER announcing the Motorcycle club.

I was able to obtain an email address for the Ruthless Riders Motorcycle club and sent them an email communication Thursday afternoon advising them the building was scheduled for demolition by the city. I included a copy of declaration of public nuisance. As of Today there has been no reply from them.

I received email communications from area residents that Thursday evening carpeting has been delivered to the site. Work is continuing on the property in spite of city declaration of a public nuisance and the city is not taking the necessary steps to shut this activity down.

Fairmount has dozens of kids who play in the street. The establishment of a Motorcycle club at this location would result in increased vehicular traffic, dangerous speeding and increased noise that would directly affect neighboring property values and would be injurious to the Health, welfare and public safety of residents.

No permits, according to the city records have been pulled for ANY repairs and in order to use a building like this for organizational use the building would require sprinklers and other fire safety equipment as well as be ADA compliant in addition to all mechanical permits required to bring the building up to code. WHY they have not sent an inspector by and posted a STOP WORK order is totally unacceptable.

The city is SERIOUSLY dragging its feet on this issue and the neighborhood residents who have made major financial investment in their neighborhood , deserve quick action from city officials.

The longer city officials drag their feet , the potential of a greater legal quagmire is created on getting these people out of that building.

This morning the neighborhood association in an email communication with the city manager, Ed Cunningham , Al Taylor and Mike Fhen of city inspection has made a formal written request that the city conduct and inspection of the property to determine if work is indeed going on in violation of the nuisance order and if so to issue an immediate stop work order.


I recieved an email from Ed Cunningham, Manager, Code Enforcement.

The Building will be on the ground by next Weds. according to the contractor. I will have an inspector check the site today, post condemnation signs, see what kind of activity is occurring, and advise anyone working on the building to discontinue based of the impending demolition.

Thank you,

Edward P. Cunningham
Division Manager
Property Maintenance Code Enforcement Division

Even though its early, it looks like

Knox Hill Neighborhood Association 1.

Slumlord/Biker Club 0.

As much as I hate to see that building go, the idea of biker club there would just be a MAJOR problem and a real step back for the neighborhood! Updates, as they happen, will follow!

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Neighbors Outraged over Motorcycle Clubs move into Building Scheduled for DEMO by City!
Neighbors Outraged over Motorcycle Clubs move into Building Scheduled for DEMO by City!
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Rating : 4.5