Knox Hill Project: Weekly Update

Leave it to us to pick the hottest weekend of the summer to do major yard work! It had to be done, there was no more putting it off. The western property line still had 3 sections of privacy fencing and serious overgrowth of 'scrub' trees behind it. I needed to get this cleared in order to replace the siding on the rest of the front facade on the far side of our new bump out window. Between the fence and the undergrowth it was impossible to get at that corner of the house.

These row of "weeds' had been growing there for years. Mostly old Honeysuckle but with some pesky stink weeds and other stuff thrown in for good measure. Somewhere beneath all that growth was an old wire fence that was put up in probably the 1930's. As if the sheer volume of weeds wasn't enough it was further complicated by the fact that these were growing up through a power line to the old servant house that sits at the back of the lot of the house next door.

This of course meant we had to take great care in the limb removal so as not to take out the power line. It took most of the weekend but we could actually see the house next door. The great surprise is we now have sunny front yard that will be perfect for formal gardens. We ran the chipper almost all day Sunday. Even so it will take at least one more weekend to get everything cut down to ground level. I am very frustrated by the fact the empty house next door has still not been cut by the city. They have had ample time and its been scheduled. I would cut it myself but I don't have the time. There is still 1 tree of the west side of the house to take out but I think I will wait until the leaves fall as it is sandwiched between the house and that power line.

Once things were cleared out I was able to get to the siding replacement which is going fine. I had some rebuild work to do on the corner due to some old rot but that went smoothly.

We also "tweaked" the paint scheme a bit adding some Ortiz gold (yellow) in strategic places on the front facade. Hopefully next week I can finish up the siding, and get back to work on the porch roof and the second floor dormer work and painting

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Knox Hill Project: Weekly Update
Knox Hill Project: Weekly Update
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5