Neighborhood group ready to play 'Hardball' with problem corner

Residents of the Knox Hill Neighborhood Association are ready to play "hardball" with the problem corner at Harrison and Fairmount. The properties sit at the western entrance to the neighborhood and is an epicenter of crime, litter and blight in the area.

The problem stems from a thrift/variety store operating at 1932 Harrison. According to city records the property was ordered vacated on 2/28/2008. Also there was an order to obtain Permits on Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical. Windows , paint and repair fire escape as well as numerous other violations . # BC20080052.

An order was issued on 2/28/2008 B200801362 — 1932 HARRISON AV to OBTAIN A VACATED BUILDING MAINTENANCE LICENSE Apply for a Vacated Building Maintenance License and provide proof of liability insurance within 30 days of the date of this notice and cause the premises to conform to the minimum standards of safety and structural integrity set forth in 1101-79.4 below within 90 days of the date of this notice

A check of records reveal that there has been no compliance with those orders and business (corner thrift/grocery store) is operating at that location in apparent violation of the above orders. The property was purchased in 2006 by Sharon Partners LLC. the property was cited again on 7/25/2008 along with several vacant lots immediately south for litter and high weeds. The thrift store has been in operation there for some time, it remains unclear how a business is allowed to operate in structure that is shown on the most current Vacant buildings list as ordered vacant?

The corner has become a haven for open air drug dealing at all times of the day. One long time resident who lives nearby stated she sees this activity all day long and has been out in her yard and had neighborhood "thugs' yell obscenities at her for being outside and throw trash over her fence on purpose.

Greg Drake a member of the Knox Hill Neighborhood Association states " The drug dealing is open, obvious and the business operating out of there, one would have to be blind not to see it." Other residents agree and say the store serves "no useful" purpose and is of no benefit to the neighborhood.
The property itself is historic and worthy of restoration. This intersection was once an anchor to the neighborhood. However the neighborhood group wants the current tenant thrown out and a 'better and higher" use of the property found. In fact the neighborhood would like to see the entire intersection transformed.
This transformation would include the closing ( and possible demolition) of the bar across the street at 1933 Harrison. Demolition of the Irish Cliffs apartments at the N.E. corner of Fairmount and Harrison which are currently vacant and a drug haven. Ideally the group would like to see a new mixed-use commercial structure to be built there as well as landscaping and better lighting at the intersection. The 1932 Harrison Building could be restored as mixed use commercial with condos above and landscaped off street parking could be constructed south of the building or additional commercial buildings.

This intersection is the first thing you notice as you ascend the hill headed into North Fairmount and Westwood and its deteriorated condition sets a bad tone for the entire area. A concentrated effort will be needed to "clean up' the corner. The neighborhood association has sent a letter to all the affected property owners asking them to "voluntarily" clean up and bring their properties into compliance within the next 30 days. The group is also sending a letter of inquiry to the appropriate city of Cincinnati officials to explain why this property fell through the cracks on enforcement and what can be down in the future to prevent this from happening.
If the property owners do not come into compliance and the city does not enforce its own orders the neighborhood association will plan to take the following steps.

1.)The Association will post photos taken by neighborhood residents of the illegal activities and drug deals and post them on the Knox Hill Neighborhood Association website.

2.) Hold a press conference at the intersection of Harrison and Fairmount where residents, the neighborhood association and local clergy will present their case directly to the public and through local media of the need for the city to fix this blight.

3.) Neighborhood residents have vowed to picket the location at random times to draw attention to the problem.

4.) The neighborhood will rent a billboard on Harrison Street approach that proclaims "Warning Drug dealers ahead! Your tax dollars are NOT at work!"

The neighborhood is fully prepared to work with city agencies and fully support them in enforcement including showing up en mass and hearings or signing any necessary petitions

In my view, the city has the orders against all the properties concerned, it will become a question of enforcing existing orders and the city following through. This corner could be a real asset to the community and not only help Knox Hill with its turnaround but set the tone for N.Fairmount and Westwood. You have a group of residents who are concerned and have a vision for their neighborhood as taxpayers we have the right to expect the city to enforce it's own orders.
As it stands this corner is a real eyesore. You have property owners who don't care and the neighborhood must draw a line in the sand and say 'No More' and expect the city to do its job.
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Neighborhood group ready to play 'Hardball' with problem corner
Neighborhood group ready to play 'Hardball' with problem corner
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5