CROP permit search : A valuable tool for residents

After yesterday's Blog on Knox Hill and its efforts to deal with blighted corner at Harrison and Fairmount , I received a lot of emails from people wanting to know "just where do you get that info?'

The CROP website. CROP stands for Community Oriented Problem Policing and it is a huge resources for community residents who want to know just what is going on in their neighborhood. In my opinion the most beneficial part of the site is the Code Enforcement Review section. You can search by Complaint #, Address, Neighborhood or Parcel number. The address search is the most beneficial;

The search engine will bring up the orders against the property, what they are and when they were issues as well as how long the owner has to comply.

Let me say one thing. The city is extremely short staffed. These inspectors are expected to cover 300-350 properties at any given time. Imagine 350 file folders on a desk! It is difficult to follow that many issues. Hopefully help is on the way as the city is hiring 3 more inspectors.

What this does however for the neighborhood leader or organization is let them follow progress and if you see progress is not being made then you can follow up with the city on it. There are a number of resources on the CROP site and it is a great place for neighborhoods to determine what is going on. There are also contact numbers on the website as well.

I recommend neighbors get together and put their own TOP 5 problem properties list together and follow the progress. In most areas there are usually 5 properties that if cleaned up would really improve the quality of life.
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CROP permit search : A valuable tool for residents
CROP permit search : A valuable tool for residents
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5