Trash Talk: Dohoney and Council at odds over fees

The city faces a 14.5 million dollar deficit and city manager Milton Dohoney has propsed charging 17.30 a month for residential, 19.90 a month for business trash pickup. Either that or cut Police and Fire protection.

The council however is taking the 'not so fast' viewpoint and feel like they are being held hostage to approve a hike. Both Leslie Ghiz and Chris Monzel said they absolutely will not support a "tax" on residents for trash collection.
Dohoney released what is the 1st draft of the city's $1.3 billion budget. He claims that without the money generated by an annual $207-per-household trash fee or the same amount in other cuts, Dohoney said he cannot balance the budget as required by law.

In my mind, when you are in the middle of an economic recession, housing prices are falling, the last thing you want to do is increase the annual ownership costs of a home. One might well wonder if privatization or some public private venture where the city puts trash collection services up for bid? Other cities do.
One could hope that the council can find better solutions than adding more fees to property owners.
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Trash Talk: Dohoney and Council at odds over fees
Trash Talk: Dohoney and Council at odds over fees
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5