Knox Hill Project: Weekly Update:

Construction of the Porch roof began this. As usual I over engineered it. The wall ledger was bolted, lag screwed, construction adhesived and screwed to the wall. I took great care to seal any openings in the wall when I removed the siding to get at the house framework. Roof construction is 2x6 and I used hurricane brackets and straps in the construction. The underside of the porch roof will be covered in beadboard salvaged and recycled for this project.

Part of the delay in this phase,was getting paint on the rest of the house the other part was doing some research and determining a good design. After much consideration this is the roof design I came up with. Because of the height that would be needed to create an aesthetically pleasing mansard roof line I opted not to do a mansard design. It would have hidden the top banding and brackets I am installing and I was concerned about a large flat roof and the rare snow buildup that could occur ( Cincinnati actually does get a snow storms once in a blue moon)

I would have liked a simple flat Italianate roof design but there again the snowload issue. I opted on a pitched roof that will be largely hidden by the top columns, a triangular pediment, that matches the one over our second story front gable window and a rail similar in design to the railing I created for the porch itself. The sides will have a Cut out panels as well with decorative elements. The slope roof will get water away from the house and the Columns and rail will create a formality and the "flat roof" look more appropriate on a Second Empire Residence. The design is loosely based on designs from the Woodards National Architect 1877, Vol 2 Original working plans and details. Available in reprint today by Dover Press as Woodard City and Country Houses.

I managed to get the framing completed and some plywood decking completed over the weekend. I took some measurements and will begin making the top elements in my workshop up here and will install the components after I get the roof materials installed and the soffit constructed

Work continues inside on the closet removal and I hope to have things opened up between the master bedroom and what will be the new master bath soon. As usual lots of people stopping by looking somewhat amazed that a restoration was actually happening in "that" neighborhood.
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Knox Hill Project: Weekly Update:
Knox Hill Project: Weekly Update:
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5