Knox Hil Project: Weekly Update

We reached a 'sort of" milestone this weekend. Finally all the 30's siding was gone from the east elevation and its finally painted!!!! Of course it is the base coat primer and one coat, meaning we are far from done. We also have windows and frames to complete but one finally gets a sense of big change has taken place. I was somewhat worried about the bright colors but they work well with all the greenery and once the formal gardens are done I suspect the house will have that very "cottage surrounded by flowers look" we wanted.

I met with a local Architect about possibly doing elevations and floorplans for the future addition. We are planning on building a new two car, two story mansard roof carriage house and a 3 story second empire tower to connect the addition to the original in a historically seemless way. Our hope is when we are done that the addition will be percieved as a natual progression of the history of the house rather than something "stuck on' to a historic structure.
Interior work continues and we got the doorway opened up fully leading into the formal parlor. I now have to construct the rennaisance arch to the space and of course trim it out. I like the sense of height we have in the rooms even though the house only has 10 foot ceiling the rooms appear taller.
Upstairs we are removeing the 'closets'. These 16 inch deep closets can barely hold anything and why they were built is still mystery to any old house owner. We will have a walk in closet and dressing area for the master bedroom , a big improvment.
Working on weekend mean we are compresing a normal work week into a few hours, I am planning on coming down more during the week in August as things are starting to "ramp up". Of course when you are rushing around its often hard to see the 'little things" around you. I spyed one of our neighbors cats siting in the garden watching us work away!
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Knox Hil Project: Weekly Update
Knox Hil Project: Weekly Update
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5