Knox Hill Project : Weekly Update

Work continues in the formal parlor with the cornice installation and the 'gilding' of the picture hanging rails.

The cornice presented certain challenges as its height means that it reached into the space occupied by the picture hanging rail. In order for the drapery cornice to fit flush against the wall as it should it required the picture rail to be cut so the tops would fit. It would be impossible to take this molding down so cuts had to me made in place. The removed pieces were brought back so they can be carefully cut on the band saw and the top 'rounded' pieces can be installed on top which will result in a drapery cornice that looks as if its original to the house and was originally fitted.
These cornices are installed in such a way as to be permanent in nature.. Holes are drilled in the top and the cornice is screwed to the top of the window trim. The reason you ask? Well given the fact that Victorian drapes are heavy a permanent install is used so the rod is sufficiently supported to carry 50-60 pounds of material. properly lined drapes are very heavy, add in swags and tassels and tiebacks and the drapes will not be what you might buy at your local store.

After some time at my local fabric store I have selected the seven different fabrics that will be used in the draperies. The drapes will consist of two different swag materials, and exterior Victorian paisley outside panels with tassels, an interior set of drapes with fringe and of course there is lining materials in complimentary colors for both. The portiers (which are the drape set between the doorway) are the same material but slightly simpler in design. Materials is ordered and I hope to get it in and start sewing soon.
The Picture rail gilding is coming along nicely and this should really sparkle and glow in the evening with the light from the electrified gasolier shining against it.
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Knox Hill Project : Weekly Update
Knox Hill Project : Weekly Update
Reviewed by citra
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Rating : 4.5