A "New Day" for Historic Preservation in Cincinnati?

Cincinnati Preservation Bargains: 1852 Carll

Open Letter to the Greenacres Foundation Board Members:Think about your Reputation!

Save the Gamble House rally : IN INDIAN HILLS!!!!

New Series : Antique of the Week

Knox Hill Project: Weekly Update

Birthday: No Blog Weekend

Cincinnati Preservation and the new "Westside Energy"

"Architectural RAPE" of the Gamble House should not go unpunished!

Westwood: Pro Preservation Rally Today to save the Gamble House

Neighborhood assets will win out over city "blight=bulldozer" policies.

Knox Hill Project: Weekly Update

Victorian Restoration: The "Art" of Victorian Lighting

Westwood Celebrates Problem Apartment Buildings Demise

Cincinnati Preservation Bargains: 545 Ringold

Cincinnati Nuisance Board (DEMO) Hearing: April 23

Knox Hill Project: weekly update

City section 106 Review fix:" Inadequate "according to Knox hill

Victorian Ceilings: Medallion Painting project