Series:Cincinnati Side Street Tour, Tremont Street

Most of us stick to the main road, or those familiar side streets that we need to get to our home. Everyday we pass hundreds of side streets and if you are into architecture as I am you often ask yourself "I wonder whats down there?"

This recurring series is going to explore just that. We will turn right or left and see just what IS down that street and hopefully we will find some interesting stuff down those side streets.

Today we are looking at Tremont Street. Tremont is a short street of several blocks between Beekman and Harrison. The lower end of the street is mostly industrial but as you go up the hill in elevation it turns residential. A quiet street of mostly rentals. Architecturally it is an interesting mixed bag of small single family detached homes, attached rowhouses and some larger homes. The homes on the south side of the street have views of the valley and overlook parts of Queen City and Harrison. The homes on the North are up higher on the hill and from the top floors of those have the same view. These are home that with rooftop decks would have a commanding view of not only the valley but the Western Hills Viaduct and the city beyond.Architectural styles include Greek Revival, Italianate and Second Empire. This Brick Italianate is typical of the block, relatively intact it still has its brackets at the top. The porch still has its spindle work on it as well. Note to the right the brick Second Empire that looks untouched save for an 1880's era porch (that has been remuddled by putting lattice on it). Both these homes have great views and I can just imagine what rooftop deck view might look like.
his house caught my eye because it presents a bit of a mystery to me. It clearly is an early house , I am guessing 1850's-1860's? Its been seriously remuddled over the years but some clues remain. Note the projecting front porch that are held up with large brackets. Clearly a center hall, the side lights on either side have some nice detail with the trim. There is obviously a lack of ornament under the large eaves probably removed when the house was vinyled, but the wider overhang I find confusing. Maybe the wide overhangs were added? It really looks Greek revival, IF, it didn't have those wide overhangs?. It still shows 'some' of the 2 over 2 window sashes. Ive seen this architectural form before I just cant put an image of a restored house in my mind at the moment. It sits on a corner and 'reminds me' of some houses I had seen back east which were used as Inns/taverns back in colonial times. It just has that "look". Ok loyal readers and Cincinnati architecture buffs, what is 'wrong' with this house?
Just down the street from this house is this really neat church. You can easily see this church from Harrison as you go up the hill and the bell tower stands out. It has a really nice arched stained glass over the entrance and seems largely intact and original, although clearly the side windows once housed some stained glass windows. This would be a really great structure restored. I can even imagine it as a residence.

There are some other interesting homes on this street as well and this street is well worth a trip when you are in South Fairmount.
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Series:Cincinnati Side Street Tour, Tremont Street
Series:Cincinnati Side Street Tour, Tremont Street
Reviewed by citra
Published :
Rating : 4.5