PANDEMIC: Why you should take this seriously

New Homes in OTR, how about Restoration?

Cincinnati Architectural Review: Beecher Street Mansion

NEW SERIES: Cincinnati Architectural Review

Knox Hill Project: Weekend updates

Blog Update

The Mt Lookout Public Housing Controversy: My Take on this.

Knox Hill: Interior Work and the "happy flower"

Knox Hill Project: Porch Restoration Part 2

Mr Mayor,Members of the Council: You do not "Fight Blight" with a bulldozer

Restoration Resources: New Period Wallpapers

Fire Damages a Cottage on Knox Street

Will ANYONE in Cincinnati step Forward to save a national landmark?

In the News and usually the last to know!

Knox Hill Project: Porch work Continues

Revitilazation: Why Cincinnati loses and isn't competitive

Gated Communities as a Urban redevelopment tool?

Restoration and "rethinking spaces"

Knox Hill Project: Facade detailing

Neighborhoods: Sometimes small victories seem HUGE!