Re-Urbanization-Will Suburbia die?

There was an intersting article I read in the Wall Street Journal
That talked about the end of "White Flight" to urban neighborhoods. For the first time in decades cities black populations are losing ground. In fact I know my own neighborhood here in Indianapolis looks little like it did 10 years ago when I first started restoring here. The unfortunate thing is it lost its diversity somewhat, my last neighborhood meeting looks more like a country club that a neighborhood meeting with Volvo wagons and Mercedes SUV's in the lot, the major topic was how much everyones property taxes went up. It"s odd I still remember us being the only white people on our block and I know how Everett our neighbor must feel because he is our only black person on the block now.

Change can be good, our neighborhood is certainly safer but frankly its a little boring now! I so want to get back to a diverse neighborhood!
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Re-Urbanization-Will Suburbia die?
Re-Urbanization-Will Suburbia die?
Reviewed by citra
Published :
Rating : 4.5